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Main antenna group as of April 2022:
Rohn 25GB 50' ... starting from the top:
Diamond V2000 tri-band vertical,
Home Brew 6 Meter Yagi (built by WR4BA)
Force12 C3S tri-band "HF Beam", now sold by JK Antennas
White disc is a Ubiquiti PowerBeam M5 (5.8 GHz AREDN MESH link)
on the right stand-off: a TRAM 1400 packet station 2 meter antenna, (top just misses the C3S)
just below that is a VHF yagi for the Echolink link to the Perry 146.955 repeater WR4MG-L
on the left: the stand-off suports a dual band inverted-V from a pulley,
to the left, on a separate mast, is a Jetstram dual-band vertical antenna used for Vara FM.
... and there is a non-resonant end-fed long wire antenna across the back yard.